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Pink Sugar
Jaz Sings 1 full 2024.png

Dersoundvon jaz

Für Träumer & Genießerinnen

Hallo ihr Lieben,
und herzlich Willkommen!

Ich bin die Jazmin, von Jaz Sings.

Ich bin Singer & Songwriterin
aus München.


Ich möchte mich in Eure Herzen singen,
indem ich Euer Event mit meinen Melodien erfülle.

Bucht mich gerne als musikalische Begleitung für Eure Straßenfeste, Hochzeit, Euren Firmenempfang, Geburtstage,

Abschiede, Taufen etc.​

Ihr bekommt von mir unverwechselbar und charakterstark umgesetzte Coverversionen bekannter Songs, und unbekannte Schätze aus meiner Musiksammlung, die euch bestimmt verzaubern werden.😉

Des weiteren schreibe ich eigene Songs und arbeite derzeit an meinem ersten  Album 


welches 2025 erscheinen wird.

Meine Songs sind beruhigend, gefühlvoll, melancholisch und melodisch.
Starke nachdenkliche deutsche Texte mit tragenden Melodien und ausdrucksstarkem Gesang. 

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Gerne spiele ich auch Eure Songwünsche. Ich habe deutsche, englische und französische Lieder im Repertoire.

Meine Songliste erhaltet ihr auf Anfrage.

Auf jeden Fall bekommt Ihr von mir immer eine heilende Stimme und sanfte Gitarrenklänge.

100% Gefühl - ganz ohne Playback!

Ich bringe komplettes Equipment mit, welches ohne externe Stromversorgung kleinere Locations mit 50 Personen mühelos bespielen kann.

Größere Events müssten vorher mit mir technisch abgesprochen werden.

Schaut euch gerne auf meine Website um und hört euch ein paar Lieder die ihr weiter unten findet an.

Ich freu mich auf Eure Nachrichten❣️

  • Youtube
  • TikTok
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Telegramm
  • Whatsapp
  • Themen

Dein Event mit JAZ!



A multicultural interdisciplinary journey

Jazmin was born in 1989 ♋️

in a small mountain village next to the austrian border.

After high school (a-levels) she worked & and travelled through Europe and then started to study economics, law and social work. She worked and studied in Germany, London (United Kingdom), Lille (France) and Bali (Indonesia).

In London, she worked in localization management in small international team. In her free time, she organized Couchsurfing meetings and also hosted and surfed with people from all over the world since 2009.
In Bali she studied business development and voluntarily worked at permaculture farming organization and touristic events.
In France she attended the reputable Business School 'EDHEC' and emphasis international management studies.

Back in Germany Jazmin founded an organization for an intercultural exchange between students and refugees. Apart from founding, leading and organizing the organization, she took a major role in the creative process when coming up with event ideas, marketing and social media.

After Graduation Jazmin worked for a Non-Profit-Organization in legal consulting for asylum seekers and migrants by establishing and heading the department. Due to a nerve disease, she was forced to step back and started music therapy for health reasons.

Due to the lockdown she started to learn guitar and could quickly accompany her singing. Music helped Jazmin a lot to gain back her health and she decided to spend more time making music.

As it was impossible to play with other musicians in the lockdown, she was forced to learn everything herself. It was also impossible to sing on stages, so in 2021 Jazmin bought the equipment and started playing on the streets and for friends, while quickly getting the first bookings.

While staring recording some cover songs by herself at home, she started writing her own songs. Due to her creative experience, she takes care of all the content, creations and organisation.

In 2022 she could already events, some festivals and was busking in many city in Germany.

In 2023 she bought a van which she build by herself to a beautiful tourbus, to be able to play outside Munich and conquer the world with her voice.

Only the the stars know what life still has in store for Jazmin.


Thanks for joining the journey and showing love and support.


Pink Sugar
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